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We are soo blessed to be able to serve our community not only with food but also with prayer and fellowship. HIMC would like to thank all of our volunteers both at Ferguson station and Barton /birch and in other areas of ministry. Together we can make a difference, one person at a time. ... See MoreSee Less

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So grateful for our friends at Hamilton Christian Fellowship - HCF for their generous weekly donation to HIMC's new outreach at Barton/Birch every Wednesday @ 7pm. Today, probably 250 high end sandwiches, dairy and produce helped feed a long line @ Birch. Been an interesting number of weeks (haven't posted for a while). Had some great conversations/debates with a new friend J. Knows his Bible, really well, but it's like an academic exercise for him...tries to out-trivia us (and it works sometimes), but I'm constantly talking about relationship, not religion, and that is foreign to him. Another new friend M came over "I heard Jesus", and she added her soft and wise voice to the discussion. Last week a The Hamilton Spectator reporter engaged us while he was there on another assignment waiting to do an interview. Had a very good discussion and he quoted me accurately! www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/city-aims-to-relocate-downtown-hamilton-food-outreach-operat... The city wants us to move from Ferguson...they've got multiple stakeholders, I get it. The only previously proposed option was City Hall, which is already well served with the Gore park outreach on Saturdays. We pushed back on that option last year, and now another option is proposed (which we found out in the above Spec article! not from the city....weird). It seems to be a better option if the kinks can be worked out. Please pray as we meet with city officials next week that there will be a win-win-win solution to this. The city says they want to help us with this, so I'm optimistic with a strong side of caution. Final note, met today with Rachel, a young lady who is starting a movement called Fish and Loaves Prayer Bags. We got connected through a mutual friend. They prepare and hand out backpacks filled with essentials to those that are panhandling on the corners in Hamilton and Burlington. They needed Bibles (and Bibles can be expensive). Because of our partnership with Canadian Bible Society we were able to provide them with 25 New Testaments, along with some socks to add to their bags. Had a great conversation with her about how just saying yes to God can have ramifications way better than we could imagine on our own. More to come with them! Blessings all. If you'd like to receive our monthly email proclaiming what God is doing through HIMC and our partners in Hamilton and beyond, sign up at himc.ca/newsletter/ . One email per month, no spam. ... See MoreSee Less

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Join us this Sunday
All are welcome.
Located at 1239 Main St E
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Some great things are happening at Barton & Birch.
We are making great connections with the community providing them with many necessities. Together with Love on Hamilton and volunteers we are able to serve over 50+ people. Families come not only for prayer & basic necessities but also for fellowship. Thank you to all the volunteers that come out to Barton/Birch and to Ferguson Station on Wednesday nights
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WOW….. God is on the move in Hamilton and in so many other countries through some amazing ministries. It’s great to hear how God is moving through these ministries. How God is using HIMC to connect people and resources to bring Him glory around the world.
Thank you to all the new faces that came out tonight and for all those that come regularly. HIMC blesses you all and prays for you and your ministries.
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Don’t forget to change those clocks this weekend. ... See MoreSee Less

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